Poverty, Income, Health, and Work: What Can We Learn From the New Census Data?
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Jared Bernstein  [ view bio ]
Ellen Teller  [ view bio ]
Deborah Weinstein  [ view bio ]
PDFPoverty webinar in 2018.pdf
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Unemployment is down, but workers’ pay is losing ground.  Did low-income people make gains in 2017?  What is helping; what’s standing in the way? 

CHN will hold its annual Census webinar to prep you for the new data coming out on September 12-13. You’ll get the forecast from economic expert Jared Bernstein and training from CHN Executive Director Debbie Weinstein on how to get the facts for your community, congressional district, state and nation. Our Moderator is Ellen Teller, Director of Government Relations at the Food Research & Action Center.

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Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
September 06, 2018
Seminar Location:
Washington, DC