Community Voices: Why Nutrition Assistance Matters Campaign Kickoff
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Wednesday, June 3 from 2-3 p.m. EDT. (11 am PT/12 pm MT)

The Center for American Progress, Food Research and Action Center, Feeding America, the Coalition on Human Needs and Witnesses to Hunger are partnering to launch a new campaign, “Community Voices: Why Nutrition Assistance Matters.”  A compelling personal story is worth 100 statistics and can help move hearts and minds. Our goal is to gather personal experiences about nutrition assistance programs from communities across the country and share them with media and policymakers to dispel myths and increase understanding of how these programs work and who they help.  By taking part in this campaign, you’ll have the opportunity to educate the public and protect and strengthen the critical nutrition programs that we know are vital for families and individuals in America.  Join our kickoff webinar to learn how to take part in this new campaign, why stories are so important, practical tips for interviewing true experts and about the chance to join us in Washington, DC for a day of action. 

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
June 03, 2015